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Reply to "Election Recount - May 2020"

@Django posted:

Some folks can't accept the truth.

I am sure all the overseas observers have done their own tabulation of the SOPs. 

Quote from your earlier post.

The Canadian High Commissioner ,have denied doing such.

I think by now we all know the truth. Your lifeline for justification is a tabulation sheet and I can see why. PPPC uploaded their SOPs, think for a moment if they did not but ONLY posted the spreadsheet. You refused to address/ discuss  APNU refusal to publish their SOPs but want to trash talk PPPC errors on their spreadsheet... Hypocrite 

1)Had the PNC+AFC won this election there would have been a major push to have the recount completed.

2)Has the PNC + AFC won this election we would have seen their copies of the SOPs post on their web site or other media outlet. Let’s not fool ourselves we can’t be this stupid to believe the narrative when we know deep down the truth.

Recently I tried my best to have a civil discussion but  you don't want to, because the fact I posted raise your BP.  I refuse to be part of anymore discussion. 
