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Reply to "Energy dep’t appoints oil and gas advisor"

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mr.T posted:

So you think that the PPP was better? Every project that Jagdeo touched ended up in disaster. 

Don’t tell dem people who wine and go down at the Marriott that, they will vex with you.  Even Cathy is not even selling it anymore.  PNC is making full use of Jagdeo’s development.  All of a sudden they like the Marriott bad bad.

Dem PNC bais love the Jagabaat for his vindictiveness towards his own. Its the reason the PNC won. He provide the Marriots to them while giving the Chinese goady Skeldon factory to his own. Instead of finding another  Alexi, Fip Motilall or Buddy Shivraj to enrich, he wants to personally destroy his mattie collie Badal with Marriot only to fall into the hole he dug for others . He was so cocky he thought them coolies would tie their belly and continue to give PPP unconditional support didn't see the boot coming until he out cold on the curb...

Last edited by sachin_05