Some People just dont gives a rats ass to the immense sufferings of thousands of Guyanese, who has been taken down by this mosquitoes bourne sickness, people has now been dying (not in the hundreds or the thousands) but people has been dying...........and yet we have some animals, jackasses who come here and try to be posts that is meant to attrack some attention from the relevant authorities.
DG is just around the corner before he kicks the bucket, he should have some sort of understanding that there is thousands of sick people in Guyana that looks foward for some medication to give him/her some ease in the pains that he/she is going through.........Scumbags of the Earth, they will always be there.
Cool it down there Mr. Asj. We all care about people and want to see people in good health. There is medication for this disease and it's being distributed for free by the government. Other nations with this disease are still struggling to control the disease. Guyanese need to dispose of their garbage properly.