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Reply to "Epidemic outbreak in Guyana: All regions are affected: No clue by the corrupt PPP/C"

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by asj:

For weeks and even months now this corrupt Government has been downplaying the warning that it has been receiving, from concerned Guyanese, today a visit to the PHG in Georgetown, it is like a visit to the US Embassy for Visas.


The Minister of health should be in jail, for inaction to this health crisis.

Are you serious? Since when they jail people for doing nothing?

Think of the many hundreds of thousands of people suffering in Guyana right now, because of this dont care attitude Minister of Health and incompetetent and Corrupt PPP/C, and then ask me if I am serious,

This Minister Beri Beri has no clue and if the has no clue, he is just bullshitting around drawing down taxpayers money under false pretence, in my book it is called thieving.

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