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Blue Caps calls out Health Officials on apparent surge in Chikungunya Virus

September 1, 2014 11:37 am Category: Business, Health A+ / A-


Head of Blue Caps, Clinton Urling.

Head of Blue Caps, Clinton Urling.



Blue CAPS says it has received a surge of many unofficial reported cases of Chikungunya, a viral fever illness caused by bites from infected mosquitoes, in Georgetown and the rest of Region 4.

The Organisation in a press release noted it is mystifying that Guyana’s public health authorities remain markedly silent on what might become the first wave of a burgeoning medical crisis.

Executive Chairman of Blue Caps, Clinton Urling in the press release said he has received numerous complaints from private sector operatives about employees being sent home on sick leave as a result of the virus.

Mr. Urling says that his business establishment has had three employees proceed on leave for exhibiting Chikungunya symptoms. Two members of Blue CAPS also have exhibited symptoms of the virus, which includes fever and severe joint pain. Other symptoms include muscle pain, headache, nausea, fatigue and rash.

Fogging being done in Kitty, Georgetown in May

Fogging being done in Kitty, Georgetown in May

“The Blue CAPS organisation urges health authorities to investigate immediately this concern and to develop urgently a reporting system for health care institutions and the national health ministry to track confirmed cases of the virus. Providing confirmed information would give the public an accurate picture about how to best manage this health issue,” the press release noted.

The Organisation called on PAHO/WHO Guyana Country Office to offer technical support and guidance for managing effectively the current situation and suggested that they should provide public awareness and training sessions on implementing preventive measures as well as guidelines for clinical management and diagnosis of the virus.
