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Prince posted:
Baseman posted:
cain posted:

Oi Baseman when Iman speak out against the PPP, some of the members here along with you tell me I hate Indos, now ..."SHAZAM", quick change artist on the move. Doan worry Base, you seeing the light.

Speaking the truth that BJ is a hindrance to the PPP to some means I dislike PPP and Indos, well if that is the way some see it who the heck am I to argue with them? That banna is leaving the country in the hands of Granger.

You don’t like us Indians.  

I love me brothers and love me  sistahs even more, cane cutters, coolies or Indians all!   I dozz buze dem because dem cazz dem own down fall.  Dem run behind stupid leaders!

And the PPP handle Buxton correctly!

So you no longer support coolies and the PPP party? 

Are you being a dummy?  

I always listen to everyone.  The PPP fked over coolies and Indians alike.  But I will give them critical support.  The PPP have much good, but they have to govern better.  And they have to exorcise themselves of the anti-American sentiments.   It destroys their good sense!

As for the PNC, if not for their racism, I don’t have any major differences I cannot work through.  They have good aspects, but they are out to displace and replace Indians.  
