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Reply to "Extending an Olive Branch"

Chief posted:
ksazma posted:
Chief posted:
Leonora posted: 

Chief, lately I've been seeing this a lot with African and Middle-Eastern muslims at meetings in gov't offices:  during breaks they find a secluded corner, spread their mats and bow down to pray.

Once they are praying 5 times per day,you will continue to see this with every nationality. It is not something I am accustomed to but now I am getting into it. Last month I did it at Columbus airport in Ohio.

Fortunately for Muslims, except for maghrib, salaah times are not drop dead times. Therefore Muslims do have some flexibility and should not overdo the praying all over the place. Allah stated in the Qur'an that He does not intend any hardship on us.

If time running out for Fajr or any of the other four prayers, you have no choice. It's up to the individual.

I agree.
