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Reply to "ExxonMobil to build HQ, hotel, helipad, training centre, etc."

Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mars posted:
Riff posted:
Baseman posted:

And BTW, Exxon will get what Exxon wants, end of story!  Alyuh pout and frown all alyuh want, get over it!

I don't why some of these fellas getting bassidy over is what it is....

Dem bhais bitter cause PPP ain't get fuh tief de bonus money. 

You woulda hear a different story if PPP bin pon tap. 

We are still waiting to see where Harmon hid the $5 mil(USD). Did you realize that if PNC wasn't caught, $18 mil(USD) would have been stolen? Dem boys would be laughing all the way to the bank and retiring like an Arab Sheik.

You still with this $5 million bullshit? The $5 million disappeared under the PPP. Harmon went trying to recover it but the debtors do not want to pay up, claiming that they had an arrangement with the PPP to forgo the payment. The 18 mil is in a secured bank account. Anything else is wild speculation like your $5 million Brer Anansi story.

You must have had ganja cookies for breakfast this morning. Good spin trying to deflect the blame by saying that Harmon TRIED to recover the money he already stole.

I guess the cheap white rum you had with the Minnesota losers last night is still in your system. How could he steal the money when the debtors admit that they never paid it? Man y'all come up with the stupidest things on this site. That why I don't even bother with you numpties anymore. It's a waste of time trying to argue with stupid people.

You can't defend PNC theft, so you resort to personal and immature insults. You must be really tired from carrying the PNC slop cans during the weekend.
