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First Lady addresses social issues at Black Bush Polder workshop

First Lady addresses social issues at Black Bush Polder workshop


First Lady addresses social issues at Black Bush Polder workshop

First Lady, Madame Deolatchmee Ramotar (with garland) during a workshop session


“EXPOSURE to violence, be it in films or real life, has a negative influence on the social behaviours of many people; and such violent behaviours, particularly domestic violence, invariably have a major impact on the lives of children, leaving a mark, often for life.


The workshop in progress at the Black Bush Polder Secondary School last Saturday. Leading the session is Dr. Pradeep Balram, Medical Officer of GuySuCo

The workshop in progress at the Black Bush Polder Secondary School last Saturday. Leading the session is Dr. Pradeep Balram, Medical Officer of GuySuCo


“To confront these and other negative social issues, therefore, the community as a whole must be involved. We must build an atmosphere of intolerance to domestic violence.”


So said President of the First Lady’s Foundation of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana, and Chairperson of the Sugar Industry Labour Welfare Fund Committee (SILWFC), Mrs. Deolatchmee Ramotar, as she launched a workshop to address social issues in the Black Bush Polder community last Saturday.


Of domestic violence, she said, “It is clear that, in our modern society, it is not always easy to cope with the pressures of day-to-day living. This issue is not only a personal or family matter, it has an impact on the community where it occurs. Therefore, to confront these negative social issues, the community as a whole must be involved,” said Guyana’s First Lady.


She noted that the old hands-off attitude of saying that domestic violence is a ‘private matter between a man and his wife’ must end. “We have to be our neighbours’, our sisters’, our brothers’ keepers. We must build an atmosphere of intolerance to domestic violence. We see it can lead to death,” the First Lady stated.


And of its impact on the children, she said that, in the worst of cases, when children grow up in circumstances of domestic violence, many also become violent in adult life, thus perpetuating the cycle of violence.


“Clearly, we must all get involved,” she admonished the gathering.


The Sugar Industry Labour Welfare Fund Committee, which has, over the years, been working in communities to improve the social life of the people, held the workshop targeting four communities of Black Bush Polder last Saturday — Mibicuri; Lesbeholden; Yakusari and Johanna. The objective is to address the social ills of the society.


The issues dealt with were as follows: Suicide Upsurge; Alcoholism and Substance Abuse; School Dropout; and the Value of good Parenting. Other issues discussed were: Child Labour; Empowering of Single Parents/Youths; Upgrading of Recreational Facilities; Marketing of produce.


Mrs. Ramotar recalled that SILWFC, over the years, has also built and even managed many community centres, to provide a place where people can get together with each other for sports, other entertainment, and a place for meeting.


She gave the assurance that the SILWFC will continue to foster more community-based activities, so that people can interact more frequently with each other while playing a role in trying to invite specialists in human behaviour to visit and meet the people of Black Bush Polder, and provide a service to support families going through crises.


Making her Foundation’s stand known on the issues, Mrs. Ramotar stated: “Here, I would like to say, as the First Lady of the Republic of Guyana, my Foundation believes that it is important for youth development and the progress of our society and country that stable and strong families be promoted.”


She also quoted the United Nations as saying that stable functional families have been shown to contribute to youth social empowerment by providing many of the factors that protect many of the young people from engaging in risky sexual behaviours. To this end, the First Lady affirmed: “My Foundation, therefore, commits itself to working with SILWFC and any other organization to combat the ills of our country.”


She noted that the current government has done quite a lot to provide its people with a better life. “Much has been expended in education, health, housing, water, old age pension, and much more. No doubt, the quality of our lives has changed, but there is still much to be done, and it is up to us to do our part in fighting for a more conducive environment where each can reach his/her full potential”.


The SILWFC head concluded: “Let me reiterate that the SILWFC is ready to work with you to make a contribution in creating a caring environment, where we can all dwell in peace and contentment.”

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