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Reply to "First one down."

skeldon_man posted:
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:
Leonora posted:
Baseman posted:

Trump is not going anywhere till 2020.  Alyuh relax!

We know you're waiting for next election for Trump to install the PPP, but if it's BJ being installed, it will be a NO NO. 

Well, as we dozz seh, when you nah gatt mamy, nurse granny.  I would go with the PPP regardless.  PNC too racist, always my issue, prove to be correct.

The total Africanization of Guyana is still THE strategic objective of the PNC.

Trump will be reelected!  He will win against China!  He needs to take the tariff monies and subsidize the farmers impacted.

So why did you and your brother feed Granjuh doll puri and chicken curry? 

They saw an AKO (Ass Kissing Opportunity).

Nah bai.  The base never involved in dem tings!  The people did thuings the way they saw it, and I understand some of their sentiments.

Everyone saw things differently and some Indians went PNC throwing caution to the wind!

As I said several times, the PNC have certain good policies which could be beneficial.  The PPP had a lot of failings.  In the end, some believed the race issue was not as big.  I not one of them!
