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Reply to "FLASH BACK ... Stabroek News publishes 116 Region Four Statements of Poll"

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Zed posted:

Regarding the ethnicity issue. You missed the point I was trying to raise by asking the info and making the statement.

It asks those who argue of race based voting to re-examine their hypothesis, away from a unidimensional and simplistic level to something that is dynamic, historical and multidimensional.

Had I the time to delve more into this. I would have.Also,  social media is not where I want to have such a discussion.. 

The trend is there ,we can't hide the facts .The issues are how can the population be convinced to change their mindset .

That’s what you chose to believe. I fits with your agenda. I saw many Afro youths in red dancing on the streets the evening of the elections. Who are you to know more than the observers on the ground and people like Dominic Gaskin.  How about the Afro youth interviewed during the ballot watch?  He said many friends voted PPP but cannot tell the older folks.  Does he work for Mercury?

Were you not absolutely convinced that the NCV would fail?  You have no basis for your positions, you throw spaghetti and see what sticks!  And when it don’t, you look for a reason why you could be right regardless how ludicrous!

Validate the ballots and stop the guessing.

You have no credibility what so ever.  What Gilly stated before quitting was on point.

Instead of the regular ramblings ,dispute with the facts ,i am sure you have the ability to do such.

Speaking of credibility ,always tugging on someone shirt tail ,perhaps you need do some introspection. The more you open your mouth ,you are proving to be an empty press-a-footer.
