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Reply to "Folly!!"

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Redux, thanks for starting this thread. I like your title "Folly!!" but my title would have been "One Step Forward, Two Steps Backward".

As a supporter of the coalition government, I am embarrassed at the recurring missteps it has taken the past 6 months.

It seems as if APNU+AFC loves controversy and is deliberately provoking the masses. How could supposedly intelligent people be so glaringly stupid?

In this particular specialty hospital deal, something smells obnoxious and it comes from the fact that Khemraj Ramjattan was Fedders Lloyd's lawyer. President Granger knows that.

Is the government setting up Mr Ramjattan for hostile attacks from the political opposition, the mass media and civil society?

Is there a hidden agenda to create the conditions to dump Ramjattan from the Cabinet?

APNU strategists know that the AFC cannot now leave the coalition because it will be "dead meat" among the masses, particularly among the embittered Indo community. Are they calculating that they could safely dispense with Ramjattan soon and still hold the coalition until 2020?

Only the other day I commented that Ramjattan may or may not remain Public Security/Home Affairs Minister by next Diwali. The government's signals don't augur well for the AFC and Ramjattan who most likely will be the first casualty.

Gill...your insight seems to point to a sinister move by APNU.

i couldn't disagree more


the gov't of India seems to be driving this train, and APNU-AFC is too timid to put its foot down


remember, the initial signal by the coalition was that the remaining LOC funds go to the regional hospitals while the specialty hospital was backburnered . . . the respective emphases are now flipped!


if there is some defining, dark move to sabotage the coalition/dump Khemraj Ramjattan, this cannot be it; in fact, Fedders LLoyd's key preferred role, points to the very opposite

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