I do not worry about ISIS. They are dead men walking. Any day of the week t he US decides they want the entire lot gone they are gone. Further, they are stupid to think the horrible acts of crucifixion, beheading, immolation will deter others from fighting them.
To the contrary, others are becoming aware that one gives them no quarter and to fight to the death. Bagdhaddi has to hide in the night like a vampire. He cannot use a telephone access the internet or even whistle loudly. Imagine that and the west are just minimally engaged. Friedman like myself wants the US to admit it must go in and stop this in its tracks. Obama may not want to do it but Mrs Clinton will and so will any of the republicans.
Also look at what the gentleman commented on mainly; the apparent discombobulated definition of Islam. That makes us wonder what is this thing called Mainstream Muslims. Those are questions everyone has to ask given the scourges and pestilences of the human sort that percolates from the reservoir of that religion.
It is Muslims this kind of thing hurt most. As I mentioned earlier, no one is feeling empathetic to north Africans and they are in dire need. Only a few days ago there was a visceral Republican outcry against the resettling of refugees from Syria in the US. The hope was to being a few thousands, a drop in the bucket among who millions displaced! Australia intends to deport any naturalized person who is linked to any terrorist network. Holland already started, and the Scandinavian nations as well. England already began its clamp down.
I am not worried about ISIS reaching the west. I am worried about the kick back and already signs of global fatigue of offering help to a region intent on cannibalizing itself and all in the name of confused interpretation of religion. I believe ISIS is completely reliant on religion as the basis for its horrible existence. That religion need to self reflect. It needs to reaffirm for the world what it is and what it is not.