Kari posted:.
I don't disagree with anything there you said. I have never said none of those ain't true. But those are Arab countries, which are inhabited by 250 million Muslims, and those truths should not be applicable to the other 1 billion Muslims who live in places like Indonesia and India, for instance. And again, do not conflate traditional, social, ethnic and tribal customs with the religion of Islam. Also do not believe that the majority of those who live in Arab countries are in love with those truths. It's the clerics and the oppressive rulers, whom the West coddle, who perpetrate this on their societies.
Take out Arab influences from Islam and what is left? Do Muslims condemn what these people are doing? Do they demand that such practices not be masqueraded as Islam?
In fact we are seeing Muslim intolerance spreading to other parts of the world. Indonesia and Nigeria being examples. Do you think that its an accident that 90% of the population of Bangladesh is Muslim whereas India is more religiously diverse? Over 20% NOT being Hindu?