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Reply to "France - Terrorist bombs yet again"

Kari posted:
. have no idea of what you write. Write your own facts, your own opinions and your own conclusions. Live in your own bubble. God Bless You!

Kari when ever you cannot respond you default to personal attacks.

ISIS was no where around in 9/11 and yet 3k people lost their lives.

So your pretense that all will be well but for ISIS is NONSENSE.

If they are defeated another Muslim based terrorist group will arise, having the goal of enforcing primitive versions of their religion on all, starting with Muslims, and killing all that don't comply.

Look at how Islamist goons in Mali have destroyed some of the best scholarship at Timbuktu, even though that was part of the Muslim tradition, albeit not of the primitive Wahhabi kind.

I suggest that you explain Boko Haram which waged a war against Christians and moderate Muslims in Nigeria, and the other nut cases who have forced in Sharia law, with all of its naked brutality.  This including stoning women accused of being unfaithful to their husbands, or engaging in pre marital sex.

Sharia Law is based on an interpretation of the Koran. The way that Saudi society operates is based on an interpretation of the Koran.  Honor killings are based on an interpretation of the Koran.  Killing apostates is based on an interpretation of the Koran.

And it is this radical and extreme interpretation of the Koran, aided by renegade imams, that has given rise to this blood bath which now racks Europe and the Middle East.

Non Muslims cannot solve that problem.  Only Muslims can.  Until that rot is removed then the blood bath of lunatics who adopt a savage interpretation of the Koran will continue!

Take Islam back to the classical era, when it was a major force of good in the world, and snatch it from the Bedouins, no longer nomads because they know own oil.  But who enforce their savage view of the world.
