caribny posted:Kari posted:. In fact I think you love the terrorists and have to deal with us who hate terrorists and want to see them destroyed.
You actually don't hate the terrorists. You give them full freedom to exist within your religion, and then become angry when I tell you that you shouldn't do this. The notion that Muslims should ensure that these people aren't allowed to exist within your religion is what you consider to be Muslim hating.
Any way better hope that a nut case doesn't crash a truck into an event at Central Park, and then scream Allah, because when those kindly liberals have to bury their kids, you will welcome Trump, compared to what they will want to do to Muslim immigrants.
The man trying to SHAME yuh. Making yuh feel guilty for speaking out against islam and muslims.
It is the game being played on the infidels. After, their country is over-ran with fear and subjugation, then the final kill.
Equality. They tout the line, "America has freedom of religion." That is a SHAME dey want to impose on the infidels. AS if Islam is really a religion. In reality, the words of the Torah and the Bible massaged to the attention of killing as many infidels as they possibly could.