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Reply to "Frederick Kissoon was dishonest"

If any one knows Kissoon it would be his Editor-in Chief.  Here is his response:

Adam Harris’s Response

 March 2, 2012 | By KNews | Filed Under Letters 

 There will be no end to this nonsense. I know Freddie Kissoon. Even here he is dishonest. The question of source never arose. I insisted that he had no reason to name names and that he should not.
 Suffice it to say that the e-mail should never have been published because that was my explicit instruction. It was for any legal action that might have ensued.
 There are many other acts of dishonesties stated here, but my time would be better spent ignoring anything Mr Kissoon says in the future.
 The apologies he offers are not worth the paper on which it is written.
 Editor in chief
