Iguana posted:skeldon_man posted:When Guyanese blacks talk about war, they mean moe fiah.
And when yuh indo kkk here like Yuji, dave, kp, seignet, nehru de lova of trafficking, ramgoat, et al talk about "buss dem balls" referring to black guyanese what exactly do you mean?
When you constantly "remind" black people of the extra judicial executions of alyuh "frens" roger khan, gajraj, etc I guess yuh mean peace and love. Gwan suh yuh nasty ole bigot!
All Guyanese negroes are altar boys and girls. An avowed racist like you should not try to call other people bigots. Good thing the PNC will not be in office when Rajah Khan returns to Guyana. He will be the protector. Tell your burning building buddies to start digging a hole in the ground.