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Reply to "Give Peace a Chance"

Originally posted by Cobra:
Quote by: D2
If the PPP is elected in the morning and they continue their ways of not consulting civil society in the give away of our land, not informing parliament on the details of their deals with foreign nations, I say no peace for them. It cannot be business as usual.

Where is your sense of democracy for a peaceful resolution? It seems as though you want to use persuasion to violate the voters of their right to choose freely.
My sense of democracy tells me what is the case in systems like ours; it will fail. Voters voting according to kind and when "kinds" are closely match means the losing side inevitably gripes. It is up to the party in power to further democracy. The PPP has maintained the dictatorial constitution since they came into office. These were the very people who were critical of its dictatorial powers and wanted power sharing. What is good for the goose is food for the gander. I think a minority government can mean a difference. In our system mere voting does not mean democracy. It means Amerinds get marginalized in their own land and Black no less.