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Reply to "Glen in Hot water again: Taping is illegal according to President."

The PPP clearly dodges making any reference to the laws that were violated and the low breed dem cannot backup the statements by pointing to any specific law because non exist.


What the low breed dem doing is exactly what they are programmed to do by the PPP which is to be subservient and lick as much shit from the batty of Nandalalla et al.


The bottom line here is that the PPP is grasping at straws, they have been for some time now. They are using sections of the law conveniently to oppress and persecute their critics and opponents while they themselves and their relatives can steal from tax payers admit it on tape and there are no consequences.


Anil was so bold that he declared to all the low breeds that he can steal from tax payers and its ok because we must tek e word for it he pay it back.
