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Reply to "GNI TOP 5"

Django posted:

Community rank

Community rank


Can you please explain how the community rank is calculated? The point totals don't seem to align with community rank (i.e. some people with a high rank have a low number of points, and some with a low rank have a high number of points).



We don't actually publish the proprietary community rank formula that uses. The formula is subject to change over time as we tweak and update the software, and we don't want to set an expectation about the exact formula used.

I can tell you that the rank is based off of the user's activity (a factor of which is points) and their "influence" in the community (a factor of which is followers). It's not purely built off of points alone, so it's expected that users won't be ranked directly in order based on their points.

If you'd like us to confirm a couple of members on your site to ensure the rank is correct, please let us know who those users are and we'll double-check that there is no issue.


Here is how the ranking works,some posters probably cheating the system,

i can recall the following trick was mentioned.

What do you mean by 'cheating the system'? Can a poster upgrade his rank manually? If so, he can downgrade another poster's rank. 
