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Reply to "GNIer of The Year 2017"

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

Bibi - The bestest “beautiful mind” and make/artist. Knows more than even she knows she knows even what she don’t know!!

Suh you resurrect yourself!

Good to see you.  Please don’t mess with me. Bibi asked me to return. She was lonely without the Base....,it’s all about the Base!

Bibi asked you to return??? Dream on.  Myself and a slew of other women couldn't care less if you were dead or alive.  Predators don't belong on GNI.  

Ow Bibi darling, tell me about these mystery women!!  Bibi I told you umteen Times, the things circulating in that beautiful mind of yours don’t mean it real.   You need help coping with your vivid imagination, you really do!  Why are you so obsessed with the sari lady, why you so obsessed with the women on GNI and baseman.  Why you so obsessed with every female baseman speaks to.  It is that obsession which caused me to re-register here.  Bibi, I told you, you see yourself too much in everyone.  
