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Originally Posted by Kari:

Again, why should this tautology be the end of it all? Add to it please as it only mean that you're saying a lot without saying anything. For heavens sake Guyanese stop saying things like politicians will always screw you....politicians in Guyana are like politicians all over the world! Who cares??!!! What are we going to do about these obvious truths when Guyana and Guyanese seem inordinately taking it up their proverbial asses?!!!

Things only change when people are willing to make sacrifice to effect that change. Unfortunately, that seem out of the question right now. When the PNC were taking advantage of the opposition and anyone who openly opposed them no one felt capable to make a difference. Fortuitously for the opposition, the PNC government had no choice but to abide by fair elections in 1992. Cheddie Jagan, knowing the abuse he endured by the PNC should have fixed the constitution where the PNC had too much power. I don't know if he decided that it was beneficial to him to leave it the way it was or if death prevented him from fixing it. The people who succeeded him seem questionable at best. There are a lot of people getting stinking rich in Guyana. I doubt they are interest in any change. I also doubt they care about the downtrodden. The solution to Guyana's problem is a balanced representative government and I was hoping that they would accomplish that in 2011. I am not impressed with the actions of the opposition and I don't trust them anymore than I do the PPP. Maybe Guyana needs to abolish the current government system and adopt one similar to the US. While it may not be possible to know before hand who is crooked or not, at least a truly local representative government would help to relegate some of the functions and decision making in GT to their respective regions. Until then, the solution is easier said than done.
