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Reply to "Goodbye Racist"

Cobra posted:

Why people must be apologetic to Muslims? They should and must be harassed to know what it feels like to be on receiving end of the shit stick. If I am on a flight and see a hairy ass bastard onboard, I would say something nasty and walk out. I sympathize with Prince. We need more outspoken people like him.

Being outspoken is completely acceptable but bigotry is not ! If you need a definition of bigotry, please let me know. That has been clearly evident in several posts made by Prince and I have spoken out against him/it on two previous occasions. You are completely free to sympathize with whoever you wish, however, to vilify an entire nation, race, people or religion on the basis of the actions of one or a few individuals is completely wrong and unacceptable. You are perfectly free to call Prince your hero if you wish him but it does not change the fact that his statement is a bigoted one !
