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Reply to "Goodbye Racist"

Zed posted:

1. We cannot go on demonizing whole race or groups of people because of the acts/misdeeds of a few. With a high degree of certainty, you will be demonized as they run out of groups to demonize..

2. It is with disgust that I read the word Paki being used and thrown around so freely here. What, are we hoping that they, the racists, the idiots, etc, will focus on them or the Arabs or the Muslims and leave the Indians, the guyanese alone? Dream again! What, that we believe that if we differerntiate ourselves in our minds from one despised group that it makes us better? Or it makes the idiots think of us in a better light?

3. How little we remember history. Think of Germany, the US, Canada, South Africa, Cambodia, Rawanda, etc. Yes, even Guyana.

4. Think about this. Sometimes it is abhe own Mattie that kill abhe. Do not blame the "white people" for everything. We need to start looking at abhe people too.

5. The law of unintended consequence always apply. Did not America,or the colonial powers realize that it will apply to them? Do you who are enjoying the richness of living in the US,  Britain, etc.  think that it does not apply to you? 

6. For all,of those immigrants who support Trump, I look forward to meeting you personally in Guyana when you return voluntarily or involuntarily. Just PM me.

People kill people, that is the universal achievement of mankind. Before the whiteman and his ships brought the world closure, all societies were tribal and even back then, within tribal communities there were differences. Eventually, settled by annihilation.

Jihad, wants to do it the world. Mans preoccupation with domination.

SOME immigrants want to dominate White Americans. In the natural order of things, the White man will not oblige them. One does not need to be a Rocket Scientist to know where this struggle going to end up.

Guyanaese on the site have revealed their crads, the muslims have revealed their cards and likewise some other ethnic groups.

It is going to be hot days in hell. Lots of souls are going to be consumed.
