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Reply to "Goodbye Racist"

Prashad posted:

Keffer al brown Guyanai and other al brown Guyanais listen up. The San Bernardino killers were clear in the messages that they sent after their killings by facebook and clues left in their apartment that they were committing the act to further the aims of Islam. With regards to the use of the word Paki. I use it as a reaction to the active hate that most Pakis has for Indians. A hate so strong that most of them prefer to aid the China Chinaman to kill Indians and steal their land.  When you are involved in killing and hating your own genetic race I have no respect or regards for you.

If you have a viewpoint or position on the subject of this thread, that is okay, but to suggest or state that 'by facebook and clues left in their apartment  that they were committing the act to further the aims of Islam' is blatantly untrue; garbage ! Why don't you provide a verbatim quote ? The use of derogatory words or terms to refer to others is puerile; I hope you will grow up one day. The Indo-Pakistan situation is an old and complex one; with dislike on both sides of the divide so to suggest 'the active hate that most Pakis has for Indians' is sheer garbage ! Have you ever been to India or Pakistan ? My work takes me to these countries very often and I have so far been to India 11 times and to Pakistan almost as frequently. I do not need lessons from ignoramuses who are blinded by religion and issues that they clearly do not understand. Where did you get this rubbish that 'most of them prefer to aid the China Chinaman to kill Indians and steal their land' ? China is powerful enough, both economically and in military terms, to swallow India if it chooses to so stop writing fairy tales because your prejudice is exposed for all to see ! I have no time for ignoramuses like you !
