Cain, you rass stupid, if you want eat fried ants, I could have sent you to the Champs Elysee in Paris, it's really good there, but the meal will run you $200 easy.
BTW when you said that Africans only eat ants it wasn't because you were praising this dish as a delicacy. It was because you wanted to show how primitive they were. You proceeded to regale us about Congo and pretend as if all of Africa is like that.
Banna, you ever ate ants, nothing beats a good ant-kebab.
So if eating ants is so wonderful why did you cite the consumption of ants in parts of Africa (regions where alternate food supplies are limited) as a indication of the backwardness of Africans in particular, and blacks in general?
I do not know that he said that but native peoples in our country eat at least two kinds of larva that I know of Tukuma from the cabbage palm beetle and another from the nut of a tree like the awara whose name slipped my mind presently.