TK rushes to defend his racist big brother Granger.
Folks like Tarron Khemraj(TK), Farouk Samaroo(Joker), Saasenarine Singh, Warrior, etc, etc are what you call in Guyana N*GGER INDIANS---they would bend over backwards to appease and satisfy the Grangers, the Trotmans and the Nigel Huhes of Guyana.
Who vex, vex!
Rev Bhai
You are correct. They will sell their souls to the devil for a lil job and some soup.
Whats wrong with what Sase, TK and Samaru is saying.....
Jagdeo, Ramotar and Gajraj (all Indians)......
De 3 Top Poom Poom Cheese.....
put us in this Racial mess in Guyana.....
Roger Khan was a known fugative from the United States....
Roger Khan was a Drug Lord in Guyana....
Roger Khan was smuggleing Guns in Guyana....
Roger Khan was involved in the thiefing of the AK-47 from the GDF
Roger Khan was the Head of A Dangerous Criminal Gang in Guyana
The Guyana Govt Failed to protect it's citizens....
and in stead of accepting US, British or Canadian help.....
they choose to get involve with their (Indian)Drug Lord......
This is what makes the Indians in Guyana Look Bad.....
Further ......the PNC had some of the very worst Thiefman, Rapist, Kick-down-door Bandits and Killer thugs .......who only Beat, Rob and Kill PPP Indian Supporters.....
These Black PNC Thugs Like Lamumba, Taps, Hamilton, Bynoe, Kwame and others are now either in Office of the President or at Freedom House....
De Poom Poom Cheese in the PPP see ......these Black thugs as Valuable assets.....
De Poom Poom Cheese in the PPP see ..... People Like Moses, Khemraj, Ralph, Joey and Nadira as Liability...
Granger is happy Jagdeo and Ramotar adopted and embrace the Black Racist Thugs.
Granger is Happy ......
the two worst Fugatives Roger Khan (Indian) and Philip Bynoe (Black)..... work for The Poom Poom Panties/Cheese......
now....Jagdeo & Ramotar helping him Clean up the PNC.
Whats wrong with what Sase, TK and Samaru is saying.....