Since the issue was raised, the PPP has gone far in bringing afros into key positions. Ohh, I know, for you it's not good enough, only a PNC regime will fit your bill. Well, it ain't going to happen.
Really? Like who? Roger Luncheon was asked this last year by Nigel Hughes and he sputtered and stammered, couldnt name any but the usual suspects (tokens lkike him, Benn and a few others), and tghen proceeded to claim that Africans were under represented in leadership positions because they were unqualified. I guess hair texture is the sole criteria used.
Even you conceded that blacks are under represented in leadership positions and that Jagdeo was as bad as Burnham was in a strategy of ethnic exclusion.
Its gotten so bad that even Kamla in Tdad has decided to copy the PPP and to squeeze every black Trini she can find out of leadership.
I guess Tdad and Guyana will unite as Indesh.