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Reply to "Granger Racist comments. Gearing up for Election"

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:

"Granger stated via the social media networking site Facebook,   in essence, that Indo-Guyanese were allegedly everyday literally responsible for killing, raping, maligning and murdering their fellow East Indian brothers and sisters. He also argued that those in power were failing to protect their own." 




If Granger said that he is pretty close to being right. Of course the world "everyday" would have been inserted there by the boat Brahmin to deceive the people. I am glad to see Granger taking head on the PPP's racist propaganda "don't split the vote strategy."

TK rushes to defend his racist big brother Granger. He does not want to offend Granger and his PNC bosses since he is eying up the junior deputy finance minister position. TK, I cannot blame you..... You are a politician after all. As Rev posted, politicians love milk and honey.

 Dude, you should shut your damn mouth about who is racist or not. One does not have to go back far on this message board to see your naked and virulent expressions of racism in full bloom.


But that is besides the point; it is clear we have a racial problem and competing race groups t have been eternally in a power struggle. We are lucky we have not gone into out right race war as many states have experienced and one cannot say the mediating force is reason from either side. Our saving grace is actually our middle racial ground , our blended siblings. These, often ostracized people are our holy grail.


That being said, we need to address the problem of fairness and develop methodologies to address what the PPP conveniently claim does not exist, racial segmentation. Calling Granger a racist is tame for what will come if we avoid addressing this problem head on and constantly pretend we can continue in a "democracy" by one racial group simply because they are marginally superior in numbers. Worse, that race identified party is now claiming complete authority and it is a minority!
