"Granger stated via the social media networking site Facebook, in essence, that Indo-Guyanese were allegedly everyday literally responsible for killing, raping, maligning and murdering their fellow East Indian brothers and sisters. He also argued that those in power were failing to protect their own."
If Granger said that he is pretty close to being right. Of course the world "everyday" would have been inserted there by the boat Brahmin to deceive the people. I am glad to see Granger taking head on the PPP's racist propaganda "don't split the vote strategy."
TK rushes to defend his racist big brother Granger. He does not want to offend Granger and his PNC bosses since he is eying up the junior deputy finance minister position. TK, I cannot blame you..... You are a politician after all. As Rev posted, politicians love milk and honey.
There is a difference between knowing and pretense. You pretend to know for the sole purpose of lying. I am not a politician, BTW. And my flow of milk is quite good without politics.