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Reply to "Granger with Cuba's Communists."

kp posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

Granger is now in Bed with communists. Where DJ deh ? Who is the communist again ? PNC is the now officially The Communist Party of Guyana.

hey hey hey

David Granger shaking hands with Raul Castro is called diplomacy ,the hand shake will not influence Communism in Guyana ,that ideology dead in the Caribbean. Saw one of your post telling Vish he doesn't know politics ,that statement can reflect ,you are smarter in politics ,unfortunately  that's in your head ,only you believe that ,there are nothing on this forum to prove such. I further say not ,keep on believing you are the sharpest tool in the shed.

Suddenly you become Vish mouth Piece, is he that dumb?


Just an observation hence my comment.
