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Reply to "Greatest accomplishment by PNC since assuming office."

Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:
Stormborn posted: 

There was a thread on this site with a speech by Ravi Dev to Indians in India and his shill was persuasive to Indians about the benefits of coming to Guyana and how easy it would be for them to integrate.

I guess the PNC boys trying the same tact to bolster their population balance.  It does not take many "sure" votes to seal the office for them.

Everything about these two parties is about maintaining their ethnic dominance.

you are so FULL OF SH!t

to compare Ravi Dev’s OVERT outlining a plan (on behalf of the PPP Gov’t) for Indians to come to Guyana and alter the population balance ”like the Chinese are doing in Surinam” with this fairly routine diplomatic agreement between Guyana and Ghana is beyond irresponsible and NASTY

memo jackass: Guyana concluded a similar visa-free agreement with South Africa under the PPP . . . all alyuh bacoos and idle, sundry ignars likely applauded then

first Haiti, now Ghana . . . some of y’all get so comfortable watching Afro-Guyanese function without agency that that pathology has become a mental disease

the smelly chunks left behind from your SHAMEFUL vomitarium visit are NO DIFFERENT from the darkest psychological projection shittings of the racist elect grazing on this forum

of a piece with your ill-informed and ignorant rants recently about Coalition matching PPP larceny 


I can say the same of you but that detracts from the idea you sell that there is a qualitative difference in terms of overt racism between the PPP and the APNU. No one is buying that. The  APNU is practicing politics with  similar ethnic malevolence on the society as the PPP. It is what they did and are doing. 16 of 17 Permanent secretaries tell me that right out of the gates. I reminds me when I was a kid what was the status quo in a PNC regime. 

I never mentioned Suriname. I don't care what they do or if they are similarly inclined to be disgustingly racist as our two tribal giants. 

You can call me jackass all you like it will not make me cower at your intellectual brilliance. To the contrary,  I assures me I have a the usual venomous ignoramus, the kind that slither about these environs presuming they project smarts with phrases  ornamented with choice fishwives phrases. 

I am quite sure the APNU will quickly ascend to the rank of a proficient and prodigious larcenous regime no less than the PPP. That is what authoritarian regimes inevitably gravitate to. I have no hesitancy to say this.

keep picking at the margins and pretending that you are addressing the gravamen of my post . . . no one is fooled, you FRAUD!

sure, you didn’t mention “Suriname” . . . i did

i mentioned Suriname BECAUSE it speaks to a malign something in the PPP planning that is unique in its wickedness . . .completely absent in anything Granger has done here

but you don’t want to talk about a contextualizing South Africa much less apply what meager moral authority you have left to educate by speaking honestly about what Ravi Dev revealed in his 2014 India presentation on behalf of Minister Ashni Singh

you have YET to articulate exactly what is offsides about Ghana becoming the 1st VISA-free African country under the Coalition . . . the other 2 are Botswana and the afore-mentioned South Africa

you are empty

preferring to SLANDER, obfuscate and shake yuh batty with the ‘Ksazmas’ and the ‘Daves’ of GNI

not to mention the illiterate red herrings . . . the disgusting childish LIES!

g’wan dahside with yuh posing, fragile-ego, frequently stupidy self

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