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Reply to "GTT investor linked to Chinese military"

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I do not give a damn if you believe what I stated above or not. I am not here to convince you since you are possessed of that willful ignorance that cannot be sublimated  by facts. Canada and USAID have been instrumental in fundingand preserving our democracy. You Can research that at your own convenience since I would not waste my time with you.


I will say with no compunction that the Chinese are an infection one would do well not to invite.


In essence, you can not prove your claims, so why bother making statements that you can not support? That is the measure of a charlatan. The US and Canada may have helped in the past but currently their aid is vastly diminished to Guyana and China is stepping up. So let us thank the US and CA for their past aid and welcome China's support as the rest of the 3rd world is doing now.  Remember China is repeating the same actions all over the world, it is just not Guyana. 

 It is not worth the effort because the evidence to that effect is as transparent as to why the PPP is in office. The fact that we never balanced our budget on earnings but on international benefaction ( Chinese no where in the Picture) also ough to tell you we depend heavily oin the west for our resources. Only recently as last December they got some 217 K from USAID for to secure our electoral process. 


I care little what the Chinese do habitually elsewhere since I cannot help that. I, however, care they do not do see us as a resource prey and leech off of us   because that is what the do procedurally.


All that stands between us and them is prudent government. I do not think the PPP has been prudent to this point by letting them dump a broken factory on us thus ruining an industry. I do not want them in our forests or in our IT or in our transportation infrastructure. Plain and simply they are predatory  and and our dealings with them ought to be with that in mind.
