@Ba$eman ...Tola again!!! ??... You have be baffled bana
@Kari ..Really good post I do fear the same, the PPP did transform the economy but into what exactly? There is still no industry or job creation to speak of they allowed the education system to fall into a woeful state something Guyana use to lead the way in, the coalition looks out there depth at this stage in terms of having a grander plan and idea to drive the economy forward, and worryingly not sure how to drive it organically for the now.
Vocational qualifications are a good step but training to go where ?..Like many of our educated and many not so, they'll seek life abroad if the opportunities are not forth coming home ...and who would blame them
I do believe Granger will build a stronger government with time( parking metre gate will be interesting) but believe the coalition will stand or fall on the economy (along side crime).
Our neighbors have pulled away and looking towards the future with very clear strategies we need to hear and see what that looks like, then you can turn to the diaspora with confidence encouraging them to invest
ST Kitts - http://www.investstkitts.kn/light-manufacturing/
Jamaica - http://www.miic.gov.jm/content...stics-hub-initiative
Freezones have there good and bad points which could be discussed at length (but I don't won't send you to sleep) just highlighting what others within our region are doing