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Reply to "Guyana Rise Up For PPPC 2020 Campaign Launch In Kitty JAN 5 @ 3:00 PM —— PPPC For A BETTER Guyana ."

Dondadda posted:

I am interested in knowing the PPP plan to fighting crime. It does not seem to be a priority for this party even though crime is fast becoming an industry and a blight for the country. And don’t tell me that more job should will translate to less crimes. That idea does not work in Guyana.

Hey hey hey...nobady can deal wid de crime...PPP gat to pay up dem hustle bais and pusher bais foh protection again. De PNC army/police and leagal profession is foh destabilise. PPP gat to keep mekkin deal wid devil foh survive...hey hey hey. Does is de reality...
