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Reply to "Guyana’s suicide rate is the highest in the world"

D2 posted:
yuji22 posted:

Suicide problem in Guyana is mainly an East Indian Problem. The rates have gone up and it is now at an epidemic level and the highest in the world since the AFC/PNC took over.

Tola and others who were blaming the PPP have gone into hiding.

This is a serious problem and requires drastic measures and the AFC/PNC appears clueless on how to assist as with everything else.

There has to be a solution starting with schools, church and community participation and education. D2 addressed most of the issues but like others, he is still blaming the PPP while the AFC/PNC does not care about those with mental illness.

Guyana lacks a comprehensive mental health network and treatment programme. Guyanese who suffer from mental illness and depression are labelled "mad men and mad women" They are scorned and discarded by society. Most families do not even know how to cope with these problems.

The question is:

What has the AFC/PNC done to address this problem ? Nothing, Nada. Lip service is not enough.

Yes, the PPP could have done more but the AFC/PNC has done nothing. I wonder if the AFC/PNC does not care because this is an East Indian problem ?


Cyar your ignorant behind dah side! Where did I blame the PPP? I said that to date there has been no serious attempts at intervention from anyone including private groups. Many of those say the PPP did not want them. Tola's group is such a one. BTW, the PPP has not done anything to address this fact. And while amerindian culture is not apt to suicide many of the children live horrible lives and could do better if there is similar programs of education addressing alcoholism, domestic violence, rapes, incest, poverty etc.


I stand corrected regarding your claim about the PPP.

Tola has to provide specific facts and the name of his organization to prove his claims against the PPP. 

Overall, many of us at GNI agree on the suicide epidemic in Guyana. GNI can see a step forward in the right direction if we agree on common issues and disagree on others in a civilized manner.


Last edited by Former Member