Django posted:Dave posted:Django posted:VishMahabir posted:Does anyone read theGuyana Times out here???
Sometime i take a peek to see how they brainwashed their readers,the same goes for the Guyana Chronicle.
How can you prove GTimes is brain washing it’s readers. Do you think everyone is dumb like you.
Guyanese in the home land have first hand experience unlike you who depend on the same media and “ them say she say” for your source of information.
The highlighted shows clearly your intellectual level,typical behavior of infantile and PPP-ites.
The Guyana Times is at the lowest rung of the ladder feeding cool-aid to it 's readers.There is another one called Citizens Report,a grain of salt needed when reading the two medias.
Django describing someone’s behaviour and label them to a political party reminds me of Stabroek market fish vendor. Although you try to portray yourself a Blackman , I can see the coolie deep within.
Any how banna, was the article above misleading.