THE relationship between Guyana and Venezuela continues to grow from strength to strength and the upcoming state visit of that nation’s president is an indication of this, Foreign Affairs Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett said yesterday, as preparations continue for a one-day state visit by his Excellency, Nicolas Maduro.
The current Venezuelan Head of State has had a close relationship with Minister Rodrigues-Birkettover the years,

Minister Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett
having served as that country’s foreign minister under the previous President Hugo Chavez.
The two countries have had ties for decades, but there was a marked improvement in relations after the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez took office. The minister said that President Chavez and former President Bharrat Jagdeo regarded each other with a sense of brotherliness, and this further helped in both countries to forge closer ties. This relationship has continued under President Maduro, she noted. “This is why President Ramotar felt it was important that we invite President Maduro to make this visit to Guyana, because our relations are very, very good, and we believe that it will be a good gesture to a good neighbour and good friend as well”.
Coounscie, what is the purpose of posting again a few lines from the same article that you already posted above? Damn, they don't come any dumber than you. The PPP are wasting taxpayers' money by paying you to post on GNI.