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Reply to "Guyanese Schenectady ranked most dangerous, poorest city in USA"

Drugb posted:

Are you serious? You really believe AfroG are doing just as well or even better than Indos? . 

It is your own racist nature that leads you to conclude that when in fact you have yet to find data to support this.

If it is so evident that Afro Caribbean immigrants are failures then it should be easy for you to demonstrate that Jamaicans (95% black) considerably underperform Guyanese (60% Indian).

Here are the facts. A large % of Afro Caribbean households consist of single female heads of households, and there is LESS overcrowding meaning that there are fewer income earning adults within each household.  This because the kids tend to leave.  Extended family members are less likely to reside in a given household.

This should suggest that with fewer income earning adults in each household then Guyanese should way out earn Jamaicans, given that in each home there are more income earning adults.  The evidence is that there is no significant difference.  This will suggest that in fact the average adult in a Guyanese household is earning LESS than is the case in the average Jamaican household.

I mean for a group where many households consist of only one adult income earner compared to another group where at least 3 income earning adults live suggests that Indo Guyanese aren't out performing Afro Caribbean people.

But I await your data to show that Jamaicans only earn 60% of what Guyanese households earn.  Or alternatively for you to show that Afro Guyanese households only earn 60% of black Jamaican households.

You are welcomed to continue to roll through homeless shelters to find Guyanese blacks who call you massa and beg from you! It is to be understood by the mental breakdowns that you have every time a successful Guyanese black is highlighted that your self esteem doesn't depend on what you have done, or who you are.  It depends on the notion that at the very least you are better than blacks.

