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Reply to "Guyanese Schenectady ranked most dangerous, poorest city in USA"

Drugb posted:
Homme posted:
Drugb posted:

It is not about investing but what each and every one of us have experienced, many of our Afro Black acquaintances are always begging us for money or experiencing hard times. We must be hanging around the wrong set of Afro Blacks as this seems to be the exception according to you there is a AfroG utopia where AfroGs are at the top of the food chain and IndoGs are beggar man. 

This is a lot of conflation, mixing of apples & oranges, etc., for dishonest polemic convenience.

Are these Afro-Guyanese or African Americans who calling you massa and kissing your uneducated ring?

Please be clear/consistent so we all can follow


Homme, if you were a reasonable man you would concede my point. Drive through East Orange or Orange NJ and see how AfroG have to dodge bullets to survive, I feel sorry for them, not sure why they choose to live in these bad areas. Meanwhile whenever political parties comes for donation we see Afros dodging Granger et al, holding on tight tight to their purse strings while the PPP enjoy the opulence of donations from the IndoG communities

Afro-Guyanese "dodge bullets to survive" in these communities??! You are surely not interested in sane conversation.

Not sure what relevant point you are making in the latter part (see highlighted) of your race screed.

But more to the point, why are you dodging my original question?
