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Reply to "GuySuCo estates grind to a halt over pay demands"

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

Caribj, even in the hay-day of the sugar industry, sugar workers were at the lowest end of the economic ladder, and they never asked for preferential treatment, just fair pay.  Many have moved on from Sugar and BTW, so have many Lindeners.  They just hide behind bauxite employment to fool the public into justifying cheap power for all.  Many are making ample living in gold and timber.

You have no idea what you are talking about . . . so stop pulling shyte out of your ass!

Well, you would say that, wouldn't you?

Yess . . . no counting the number of times I have to call you out on the bogus shyte you try to slip past here when you think no one is paying attention

rEDUX, you are the biggest shit blower on the planet you were born to lie, decieve, manipulate and be concerned ONLY with SELF, ME ME ME. Me want POWER, WEALTH, STATUS and ME gun do anything to get them!!!.Prostitution is the oldest Profession in the World. Political Prostitutes are the WORST!!!!
