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Reply to "GuySuCo estates grind to a halt over pay demands"

Originally Posted by baseman:

If they disrupt and destroy assets and others,

You know you all PPP folks demand that Lindeners trust you and then you tell lies on them.


1.  There was NO destruction of anything until the police attacked a multi racial group of people who were exercising their democratic right to prfotest.  Segments of the population became enraged and amob mentality prevailed.  Note the reaction of the miners in South Africa, ande indeed of other rwds when unprovoked policfe violenec occurs.


2.  You have no proof that the entire town of Linden was involved in the subsequent criminal behavior, whether they support, or indeed what thye motives of those who burnt down buildings indeed was.  Some one was paid to commit arson.  Who paid them?  We know if it was people connected to APNU or the AFC you would have told us so.


One can argue that the subsidies to keep Guysuco alive and therefore keeping jobs foir sugar workers way exceeds the subsidies that BOSAI receives from the govt to generate electricity for ITSELF, making surplus generation available to Linden.


Whats good for Peter ought to be good for Paul.  If you wish a "survival of the fittest" mentality for the majority black town of Linden, then demand the same fopr the majority Indian cane cutters.  PRIVATIZE Guysuco and if most end up unemployed, or ekeing out a living in occupations which pay less then so be it,
