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Thanks to Nehru for giving us the opportunity to use him as a canvas for education him and his ilk on life.

Thanks to Ba$eman for providing fodder for us non-ideologues to chew up and spit out.

Thanks to Yuji and Cobra who provide a source for humor that then tuens out to be tragi-comedy.

Thanks to Caribny for his stamina, persistence and mountains of objective truths.

Thanks to D2 for providing verbose level-headedness.

Thanks to Mits for saying it like it is in loud uncertain terms.

Thanks to Comey for giving us Trump.

Thanks to the media for giving Trump a helping hand to vanquish those 16 others.

Thanks to the people of Guyana who put up with governments for what seems forever until last year, when they served notice that governments will not last for decades as before.

There are many more to whom thanks are deserving!

And lastly, thanks to all those departed soul who contributed to our GNI family - especially my brother Jalil.


