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Reply to "Hard Hitting Hillary"

ba$eman posted:
RiffRaff posted:

"This is not someone who should ever have the nuclear codes because it's not hard to imagine Donald Trump leading us into a war just because somebody got under his very thin skin."

It was Hillary who voted for Iraq, led the charge against Libya, handed us Benghazi, prefers to see the slaughter in Syria continue till Assad falls and wanted us to get more direct in Ukr!!

Hillary tries to come across calm, but she lacks judgement!  She thinks, analyses, contemplates then comes to the wrong conclusions!

Hillary fell into the trap of most US politicians when she voted the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003. It is always sexy for US politicians to come together when it means kicking some Muslims asses. Just like the silly vote in Congress recently where private US citizens can sue another country's government for what private citizens from that country do. Don't even know how they would even collect on any of those judgments without breaking a few more international and trade laws. It also opens the door for foreign citizens to sue us for what private US citizens do. Or are we saying that we are so powerful that we refuse to play by our own rules? Leaders can't be like Burnham who insist that the led live in need while he lavish in greed. This voting for Iraq will not hurt Hillary's presidential bid.

The other thing is that I find it silly how regular everyday people will allow themselves to get physically beat up for Trump and Hillary. For all you know, Trump is busy enjoying his super sexy wife while these fools are taking blows.

Regarding Hillary, I don't know what to say about Her sexually. She just doesn't have the appeal.
