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Reply to "Hate and GNI"

Keffer posted:
Baseman posted:
Keffer posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Keffer posted:

For the benefit of everyone who participate in this facility, please share your vast knowledge by telling us or by providing an explanation, a definition or a translation of ‘Wahab’ and what ‘the philosophy’ is. In a previous thread, given that you used this word/term quite freely, I asked you to educate us by providing an explanation or translation but you disregarded my request. To the contrary, you continue to use the term so again; in view of Chief’s observation and question; I am again asking you to tell us 1) what is a Wahab and 2) what is ‘the philosophy’ ?

Furthermore, in response to Chief asserting that you hate Muslims, your response was ‘No I don’t’ ! Did you or did you not also write in another discussion ‘never trust a fullahman’ ? 

You asking a serious question here bro...this one is above GNI's ' one gon respond.

No, Vish; I am merely asking for information/interpretation from one who  has 1) used each of the two terms on more than one occasion and 2) he presumably knows their respective meanings and is willing to share/educate me and others who are engaged in this discussion. Given that he used each of those words on more than one occasion, is it not reasonable for us less educated people to at least try to learn from someone who is more knowledgeable/educated than us lesser mortals ?  I am certain that the MBA that I hold from the University of Toronto amounts to little or nothing when compared to Baseman's vast knowledge and education. 

For such an educated nut, you seem to have problems answering my kindergarten questions!

And you can rest assure, the 9/11 terrorists and many terror plotters, including UBL can boast a high education!

You are perfectly free to call or label me or other Muslims whatever you like but I assure you that no one/nobody will ever have cause or reason to call me a bigot ! You, on the other hand, are undoubtedly an ignoramus;  a full-fledged bigot, completely burdened and loaded with hate and prejudice against people who you have never even met and will never even know! That is a burden that you have to live with; I most certainly do not and will not because my parents and my religion provided me and my siblings with adequate guidance and a sense of respect for others who are different from me in any way ! You are free to continue to harboring prejudice and hate for Muslims and others who are of different faiths or ethnicities. Your ignorance and stupidity are clearly indicative of your upbringing so you should take some time to adequately thank your parents for imparting such 'wonderful' human values in you. Rest assured, however, you will have to reconcile your ignorance and stupidity before long; when you are in dire need of assistance ! I hope that it will be a Muslim from whom you are forced to seek help because you will undoubtedly realize what an incredible and monumental jackass you really are ! I initially intended to ask you what you meant by 'Wahabs' but on second thought .... why ask you to burden your already seriously depleted and defficient medulla !

I don't think my simple question needs this amount of time and data to answer:

Q: Whose freedom were the 9/11 and Bombay terrorists fighting for?

A: Waiting for Keffer!

YOU said one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.  Those were YOUR words!  Now explain YOURSELF just on those two terrorist acts!
