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Reply to "Head of US-based charity implicated in Berbice carpenter’s murder"

Danyael posted:

This is clearly not the case with aid organizations as you suggest. The one off occasion you see in the suspect organization above does not make for an indictment of the dozens of organizations there doing honorable and much need aid functions.

The reality is Guyana is on the begging bowl presently and every sector of the society has legs held up by donor organizations with nations funding them.We have no record to speak of that these are populated by sexual predators. You are like the paranoid and folks I remember as a child who beat up a small pox and polio vaccination team because some idiot said they were sterilizing indians.

You are just being you usual nasty low life self in casting a slights on the gentleman who lamented the death of a child under the aid umbrella of his organization. You are truly a vile fellow for casting aspersions for no justifiable reason.

We already saw several examples of this over the years in Guyana. We must be suspicious of those engaging in man boy relationships.  I am surprised that you support this type of behavior rather than joining me in criticizing these predators. 
