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Reply to "Here comes Guyana's best hope for salvation SHUMAN"

caribny posted:
Django posted:

Telling you over and over, don't bank on that. PNC have their base just like  PPP.

Will take a few cycles for that to break up.

Indian men have a problem of feeling emasculated and the homoerotic yearnings of the Indo Nazis for black men manifests this. These characters are brave only behind PCs and try desperately to signal some measure of virility, but these same "men" will flee that the minute that a strong black female barks at them.

They see themselves as weaker than black men, and unable to defend themselves and they cleave to Jagdeo who they think did so with his Phantoms.  They see Jagdeo as protecting them from "black man".  Decades after Burnham their self esteem is still shattered by how Burnham tossed around Jagan and make him look impotent.

While blacks also fear the economic dominance of the Indian business elites and their ability to utilize private militias they do not depend on  any individual man as the savior.  There is no "Jagdeo" in the PNC.  Afro Guyanese are extremely individualistic whereas rural Indians are very communal.

So the PNC base is a good deal more independent minded than is the PPP base, and likely to transmit their disgust with the PNC. Corbin found this out in 2006 when many PNC voters stayed home.  The issue that we will find out is the degree to which the PNC base disgust with people like Harmon, Jordan, and even Granger offsets their fear of a return of Jagdeo and the Phantoms.

All of that is undistilled pseudo psychological crap. Change the races and put them in a majoritarian system where they are vertically bifurcated by ethnicity as ours and the competition for power will manifest similarly. Arend  Lijphart study of majoritarian systems illustrate closely how people behave in the constraint of this system. We can correct this in many ways.  Lijphart suggests power sharing but that also has its bugabos. We need a system that will coerce cross cultural ethnic participation. There are many and that is not my aim here.

