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Reply to "Here comes Guyana's best hope for salvation SHUMAN"

yuji22 posted:

I must admit that as a PPP supporter, now that he has launched, I am scared of the impact that this party will have on the PPP Amerindian Base. This party can sink the PPP !

The PPP needs to offer an olive branch to Shoeman. 

Amerindians vote for the Party in power because they are cultivated patrons by default who are forced to pay lip service for their daily bread. This party will take the vote from the APNU not t he PPP because that is where it would go otherwise.  Your fear should be with the urban young who are disenchanted and  mixed races who so not see themselves supporting either parties.


Shuman, will learn to deliver a speech. He will learn to project presence. He will learn to be the leader that is needed. He will achieve the greatness necessary to be Guyana's dutch boy with the finger in the dike, the wind that blows the feather from the camels back.

He is he butterfly effect we need to take power away from the prevailing crooks and to save us from the pending resource curse as these two ethnic group organize to dominate the state. 
