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Reply to "Here is the PPP/C Mudhead Action That Makes Me Now Lean Strongly to the APNU/AFC Coalition"

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Mits, The Guard should slap him again for being rude and disrespectful to THE EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT.

You love to boast about how great America is and preach us about the ills of dictators in muslim countires and here you are revealing your true self.

A man heckles the President so he must be slapped.

You should go and live with the Taliban in Iraq who beat people for attending a footbal game.

In your heart of heart you do not love democracy.


As Ialways say God Bless America and people like you Nehru are only fooling the people and the community you live in.

If was yuh Boy Burnham he would have disappeared forever, you know what I mean.

So now you using Burnham. All you PPP boys has no shame.

Burnham constitution lives!!

The PPP should have held a water side wuk yesterday for Burnham birthday.
